For some dogs, doggy daycare is a great place to burn off some extra energy and make new friends. For other dogs, doggy daycare is a nightmare. How can you know if your dog will enjoy daycare or not?
Answer the following 5 questions to find out if your dog would enjoy doggy daycare:
1) Is my dog friendly with strangers? – Even though doggy daycare is a place for your pup to interact with other dogs, they also need to interact with staff members. If your dog is nervous or timid around strange people, not only are they going to be miserable, the staff is going to be miserable trying to bring your dog in and out of the play areas.
2) Is my dog easily overstimulated? – It is possible for there to be TOO much excitement for your dog. There are new scents, new people, new dogs, new toys, loud noises, new places to potty, new routines and an entirely new environment. This can be extremely overwhelming for your dog.
3) Is my dog dominate or aggressive with other dogs? – This one is a bit obvious but just in case you hadn’t thought of it. If your dog is dominant or aggressive with other dogs, he is not going to be a good candidate for spending hours and hours cage-free with them.
4) Is my dog old or ill? – The impact of playing with other dogs and constantly moving can be very stressful on a dog’s joints. When they’re old, it’s not a very good idea to put them in an environment where there body is going to be constantly exposed to being bumped into, jumped on, bitten, pulled and wrestled with for hours on end. And if your dog is ill, not only is it not fair to him to put him into daycare, it’s not fair to the other dogs attending the facility.
5) Is my dog frightened of new places and loud noises? – There is constant noise at a boarding facility. Dogs are almost non-stop barking and playing. Staff are yelling over the barking so they can communicate with each other. There are people coming in and out of the building at all times and it’s a completely different environment than they are used to. If your dog does not enjoy new experiences, especially without you by his side. Say no to daycare.
Just like all things in life, doggy daycare isn’t for everyone. Be sure you take the time to really understand your options before you take your dog into a situation that is going to be more harmful to them than it will be good.
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