Menlys Pet Care is currently hiring for a part time pet sitting position. You may be interested in the job but aren’t quite sure what the job entails. Here is a break down of some of the things to expect if you want to become a pet sitter: Is the work consistent? This is the […]
The Benefits To Giving Your Dog A Walk Everyday
Getting a walk everyday is an essential part of your dog’s health and one of the keys to giving them a happy life. Just like with humans, a 30 minute walk every day packs tons of benefits for your dog’s physical and mental well being. Here are just a few of the benefits your dog […]
Don’t Be Fooled – What Really Matters When Selecting A Pet Sitter
When you’re online searching through the multitude of pet sitting companies in your area it can be a bit overwhelming and you might be asking yourself, who can I trust and how are these companies any different from each other? While we can’t tell you who to pick as your pet sitter or a fool […]
What Is The Benefit To Using A Pet Sitting Company With Staff?
When you’re searching for a reliable pet sitting company you have two options to chose from: 1) A company that is run by a single individual – this means that there is only one person doing all of the pet sitting visits, talking to clients on the phone and via email as well as handling […]
How To Pick A Winter Coat Or Sweater For Your Dog
Once you have determined if your dog needs a sweater or coat by reading our recent article, “Does My Dog Need A Coat or Sweater In Winter”, it’s time to figure out how to pick out winter gear for your pup. What materials should I look for? Dog coats and sweaters come in a variety […]
Does My Dog Need A Coat Or Sweater For Winter?
Are you ready for another Michigan winter? How about your dogs? Are you having a hard time figuring out if your dog requires a coat or a sweater to keep them warm? Well hopefully this article should answer all of your questions for you! Does My Dog Need Extra Warmth? Dogs that have thick double […]
How To Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy
Is your indoor kitty getting cabin fever? Though cats technically can survive outdoors, there are many dangers and risks to allowing your feline friend to wander around outside alone. Not only can they get hit by cars, they can get into fights with other animals, get cut on branches and bushes or be taken in […]
What Really Happens When You Give Up Your Pet
I have been operating Menlys Pet Care for over three years now. In that time I have gotten several emails from clients asking me to help them to re-home their pets for one reason or another. Sometimes it’s because of a living situation, sometimes it’s because of bad behavior or something else in a long […]
8 Things Your Dogs Should Avoid During Thanksgiving
How can you not love Thanksgiving? An entire holiday solely dedicated to sitting around with family and friends to eat delicious home-cooked food until our pant’s buttons pop! While we are enjoying the feast, if you’re anything like me I am sure you want to give your dogs a special treat as well. There’s nothing […]
The Best Veterinary Clinics In Novi | Recommendations From Your Local Pet Sitter
Are you new to the area and don’t know what Vet’s office to take your pet to? Sick of your current vet for some reason and would like to try something new? Well you’ve come to the right place! Not only can we personally recommend our favorite vet to you based on our own personal […]