At Menlys Pet Care, we are constantly promoting the fact that we do not have timed pet sitting visits.
So how long are we actually with your pets and why do we chose not to have timed visits?
No two pet sitting clients are the same and for that matter, no two VISITS are the same. We are spending our days with live animals that can sometimes be unpredictable and things happen.
Below are some real life examples of exactly why we do not structure out pet sitting visits around time:
Client #1: Client has an elderly cat, she enjoys very short periods of attention and then wants to be left alone to nap and enjoy her favorite blanket. She has an automatic feeder, automatic water dish and only needs her litter scooped.
Client #2: Client has three cats and several fish tanks. Two of the cats are shy around strangers and prefer to be left alone, however one enjoys getting pet and spending some quality time with his pet sitter. The client also has an outdoor cat that needs to be fed. During our visit we need to: scoop 3 litter boxes located throughout the house, feed the fish, put dry food out for the outdoor kitty, fill up the dry food bowls through out the house, clean the wet food dishes, provide them with fresh wet food as well as refill the three water bowls found around the home.
Client #3: Two doggies that are trained to use a litter box inside if they need to. They do not like to play much or do a lot of cuddling but do enjoy having someone around the house for a bit. They do not require a walk and just get let out in the yard to go potty and explore. They have dry food left out all day and get a bit of wet food added in the AM/PM.
Client #4: Two dog family. One dog enjoys a lot of attention and affection and loves going for walks, the other is a bit more reserved and doesn’t have the same enthusiasm for walks. Dog #1 needs to be taken for a walk first to burn some energy, and then after we come back Dog #2 goes for a short walk around the block. After their walks, they get fed separately, given their medication and then have time in the house with the sitter to play and cuddle some more.
Not one of these client’s visits takes the same amount of time as the other clients. They all have different routines and tasks that make it seem almost ridiculous to say that the visits should be done in exactly 30 minutes.
We prefer to spend all of our time at our pet sitting visits making sure that we give each of our furry clients the individual care that they deserve!
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