This is an example of a blog post. Your new pet sitting website comes blog-ready so you can create content anytime you wish. Plus, as you see below, each article automatically has SHARE buttons attached to the end of each article, so your readers can easily share on social media sites. From within your WordPress […]
Our Best Dog Walking Tips
Taking your dog on a walk is not only a great way for your dog and you to burn some energy (both physically and mentally), but it is also a great way to build a bond with your dog. However, the enjoyment of going on a walk with your dog can quickly be ruined if […]
3 Ways To Be The Best Pet Sitting Client
Having a great pet sitter that you trust with your pets and your home is invaluable. A great working relationship with your pet sitter requires a little bit of work on the part of the pet sitter and the pet owner. Yes, that means you! If you want to get the absolute best out of […]
What Are The Benefits Of Having A Dog Walker
One of the most important things our dog’s need to live happy, well balanced lives is exercise. Sometimes it can be hard to give your dog a good walk everyday because we work long hours and then when we come home, the last thing we feel like doing is going for a walk. There is […]
Our Clients Say It Best
“Thank you Sarah…you clearly know the importance of pets as family members. Best, Michele” The above quote is what I received in an email recently after signing up another wonderful client for our pet sitting services. It is always so great to hear positive feedback and compliments like this from clients, but this one was […]
When Should I Schedule My Pet Sitting Visits?
It sucks being told “No”, doesn’t it? Sometimes hearing “no” means all of the plans we had are now ruined. So how can you avoid being told “no” by your pet sitter? Scheduling in advance. When you are starting up pet sitting services with a new company, it’s usually best to contact them as soon […]
Is Pet Sitting More Expensive Than Boarding In Northville
When searching for pet care options in the Northville area you have two major choices, either you can take your pet to a boarding facility or you can hire a professional pet sitter. How do you know what option is right for your pet? There are many different factors that can help you determine what […]
What Does It Mean If A Pet Sitter Doesn’t Charge By Time?
I would venture to guess that while you have been searching for a professional pet sitter you have been scanning their websites and have seen that most of them explain their services like this: 30 minute visit = $X 45 minute visit = $X 60 minute visit = $X So when you come across a […]
Are You Abandoning Your Pet If You Get A Pet Sitter?
It’s completely natural to do: you think about your pet all alone at home for several hours at a time and you start feeling guilty. You start asking yourself: Are they lonely? Are they bored? Do they feel abandoned? Are they sad? These very thoughts are what drive many people to the idea of taking […]
Popular Pet Food Recalled: Read Immediately!
Natura Pet Products has voluntarily recalled specific batches of its dry pet food due to potential Salmonella contamination. Here are a list of the foods recalled. This affects all foods with expiration dates prior to June 10, 2014 and all UPC’s, Lot Codes and Package Sizes!!! Visit here for more information: