I’m sure there are some of you skeptics out there that believe pet sitting companies don’t actually care about your pet. You and your pet are just another customer, another job, another dollar. However, you couldn’t be further from the truth! One of the greatest joys of pet sitting is getting to take care of […]
Menlys Pet Care Now Accepts Credit Cards For Pet Sitting
The more efficient we make Menlys Pet Care when it comes to things like billing and scheduling, the more time we have to dedicate to throwing the ball with your dog and snuggling with your cat during the day! In our continuing efforts to make our pet sitting services easier and more efficient for you, […]
Does your pet sitter have an emergency plan?
When you’re an active person who enjoys being out walking dogs and doing pet sitting visits for cats, nothing is worse than hearing the doctor tell you that you need to go on complete bed rest. This is my reality this week as I am suffering from severe back pain that just won’t quit! This […]
Is Your Dog Right For Doggy Day Care?
For some dogs, doggy daycare is a great place to burn off some extra energy and make new friends. For other dogs, doggy daycare is a nightmare. How can you know if your dog will enjoy daycare or not? Answer the following 5 questions to find out if your dog would enjoy doggy daycare: 1) […]
Big Blessings Come In Small Doggy Packages
The night my Grandma passed away was the night she was told her long haired Chihuahua, Saidey, had a home and that she was taken care of. After a long struggle to stay alive, she could finally let go and rest in peace knowing that her loyal companion was being well taken care of. When […]
Chicken Jerky Recalls – Dog Health From Your Northville Pet Sitter
It is my job as a pet sitter to keep you informed of the latest pet related news and already in 2013 there are recalls that can affect your dog! After an entire year of over 2,000 reported reactions and 360 deaths, Waggin’ Train and Canyon Creek brand dog treats are FINALLY off the shelves. […]
5 Doggy Daycare Truths You Need To Know
Ah, the great pet care debate: isn’t doggy daycare a better option for my dog than hiring a dog walker? I mean, my dog will get a full day of playing with other dogs compared to just one or two visits from a dog walker, right? These are common questions that we hear most of […]
Why Did I Become A Pet Sitter?
I walked in to the kennel and the first thing I noticed was the pink nose of a richly colored Chocolate Lab. She pressed her body against the chains of her kennel so she could be pet through the links. Unlike most of the other dogs who were barking and jumping around, she just sat […]
How Much Does Pet Sitting Cost In Northville Mi?
Operating a successful and reliable pet sitting business costs money to ensure the longevity of the company. Though it may seem like pet sitters’ only jobs are to go from house to house playing with pets all day long, there is more to it than that. On average, a professional pet sitting company has the […]
What Types of Pets Do We Care For?
Many people think that pet sitting is just for dogs and cats so when I meet with someone and tell them that I have done pet sitting for horses I always get the same reaction; I wide eyed expression followed by “really?!”. Yes, really! Menlys Pet Care does not only provide pet care for the […]