Many people think that pet sitting is just walking in to people’s homes and playing with cute puppies and kittens all day while making sure they are fed and have water and clean liter. “What a great and easy job that must be!” I hear all of the time. While it is true that, in […]
Pet Sitter Hiring Checklist
So you’ve decided to hire a professional pet sitter to take care of your precious babies, but now who do you hire? Hiring a pet sitter isn’t just about finding someone who is capable of feeding your pet, scooping some liter and making sure your dog has gone outside to relieve himself. You’re asking for […]
Menlys Pet Care – The Mercedes of Pet Sitting in Northville Mi
Let’s be honest, there is not much of a difference between a Ford and a Mercedes. Both are cars, have the same mechanical parts, need regular maintenance and will get you from point A to point B. Yet, when you think of a Mercedes you automatically think of luxury and value. They design their cars […]
Why Menlys Pet Care Offers Pet Sitting Quality and Not Quantity
I love getting my nails done. I have had acrylic nails (fake nails for you men out there that don’t know what acrylics are) for six years. I’m not big in to dressing up, getting my hair done or buying shoes but there is something about having nice, long, beautifully done nails that I just […]
What are the benefits of in-home pet sitting vs boarding?
Okay, I will admit it (as much as it pains me to do so) in-home pet sitting just isn’t for every pet. If you have a pet that cannot be left alone in the home without destroying everything, a boarding facility might be for you. However, in pretty much every other instance, in-home pet sitting […]
How To Schedule Pet Sitting With Power Pet Sitter
Because Menlys Pet Care is always striving to find ways to make using our pet sitting services easier, even more reliable and more efficient we have now started using a great online scheduling program called Power Pet Sitter. Each client has their own username, password and individual profile. Your profile allows you to keep your […]
How You Can Help Save Animal's Lives
Over the past several months I have been lucky enough to work with Last Chance Rescue in Howell Michigan as a volunteer photographer. Not only has the experience been gratifying because I’ve gotten to help animals in need, but I’ve also gotten to meet some of the most amazing animal lovers. All of the volunteers […]
Keeping Your Pet Safe During The Holidays From Your Northville Pet Sitter
Who doesn’t love the holiday season? We start off with Halloween where we get to spend one day a year dressing up in whatever we feel like without judgement. Then we go on to Thanksgiving which is an entire day dedicated to stuffing ourselves with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, veggies, cranberries, sweet potatoes, biscuits and […]
Great Gift For Dog Lovers
Here is a product that I am pretty excited about; and just in time for Christmas! I have always been interested in making my own homemade dog treats, though admittedly I have yet to get around to it. The Sunbeam Gourmet Treat Maker, however, makes the idea of making homemade dog treats easy and fun! […]
Voluntary Charlee Bear Treat Recall
Here at Menlys Pet Care, we believe that being a professional pet sitter not only means providing high quality, in-home pet care, but also keeping pet parents aware of news that may affect their precious fur-babies. On November 1st Charlee Bear Products called a voluntary recall on certain batches of their Protein Crunch Bars because they […]