How To Keep Your Pet’s Safe On Halloween
Benefits of a Cat Sitter
One of the many benefits of sharing your life with a cat (aside from the fact that they’re awesome) is that they are more flexible to care for than a dog. While that it is true that cats are definitely more independent than dogs, it doesn’t mean that they don’t require care while you’re away! […]
How A Dog Walker Can Help During COVID
2020 has been an unprecedented year for us all and it’s been a bit tricky to find how to operate our day to day lives in our current, temporary normal. Many of us have had to switch to working at home and have even had to add home schooling our children to the list of […]
Is CBD Beneficial To My Dog?
It seems that lately there has been a big spike in the number of hemp and CBD products that are available on the market for our pets. And there is a reason why! CBD products are proving to have many benefits to our pets from both physical and mental stand points. We, personally, have used […]
How Do I Get My Picky Cat To Eat?
Have you ever struggled to get your cat to eat at meal time? It can be so frustrating when our cat’s refuse to eat because we want them to be healthy and happy! So how can you encourage your cat to eat when it appears they’re on a hunger strike? Try some of the tips […]
How Do I Get My Picky Dog To Eat?
Have you ever put your dog’s food bowl down for them only to have them stare up at you as if to say “I certainly hope you’re not expecting me to eat this?!” As the proud mom of two Dachshunds I can say that I have had my share of battles when it comes to […]
We Lost A Clients Dog. Professional Pet Sitter Confessional
It was 3:30 on a Wednesday and I was sitting at my computer working on administrative tasks for my business. My mind was busy with scheduling for the busy up coming holiday schedule when my phone rang. I answered the phone and received the news that every professional pet sitter fears the most. My client’s […]
How Do I Know A Pet Sitter Won’t Steal?
One of the biggest concerns with hiring a pet sitter is letting a STRANGER into your home unattended and hoping they don’t go through your belongings and steal something. You’re trusting this person with a key to the house, security codes, garage codes and access to your home without you there. That is pretty scary! […]
Can I Leave My New Kitten Or Puppy With A Pet Sitter?
When you get a new kitten or puppy it is a lot like having a baby. And if you’re a first time pet parent you may have the same fears every first time parent has! One of the major concerns of any first time pet parent is; can I leave my kitten or puppy home […]